Why the Ramp Sink is So Appealing — Modern Craftsman

Concrete countertops and concrete sinks are among my most requested functional art pieces. With the local Salt Lake City housing market as strong as it is, homeowners are looking for modern upgrades to both existing homes and new builds. I am happy to oblige. Still, I cannot help but ponder why the ramp sink is so appealing these days.

A ramp sink is just one of many options. It is normally reserved for the bathroom, as the demands of cleaning up the kitchen generally require deeper sinks. I have installed ramp sinks in numerous homes as well as a few commercial settings. The ramp sink just seems to have universal appeal.

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A Clean, Modern Look

Assuming most of my clients see functional art the same way I do, the ramp sink's primary appeal is aesthetic. Ramp sinks offer a clean, modern look that fits in very nicely with today's minimalist design. It is the perfect choice for a modern bath featuring a custom-made tub and other modern pieces.

It goes without saying that the ramp sink's name is derived from this design. Rather than featuring a bowl with a center drain, a ramp sink is designed in the shape of a ramp. The ramp slopes downward from front to back. As for the drain, it is implemented as a slit at the bottom of the ramp. With the right design, a ramp sink's drain can be nearly invisible at a casual glance.

My preferred material for ramp sinks is concrete. Of course, I prefer concrete for countertops and floors as well. But I know of other craftsmen who create ramp sinks with stone resin, marble, granite, and quartz. Each material offers its pros and cons. Among concrete's pros are cost and the ability to customize.

Easier to Keep Clean

One could argue that the ramp sink is appealing because it is easier to keep clean. I suppose that would be a matter of personal experience, but easier cleaning makes sense given the shape. Gravity plays a much bigger role with a ramp sink, and there is less surface area on which dirt and debris can collect.

With a bowl sink, gravity still works in your favor as long as the water is running. But bowl sinks can also collect water and debris at the bottom. With a ramp sink, there is no real place for water collection. Not only that, but you also have the physics of kinetic energy guaranteeing that most of what hits the sink will flow down to the drain.

You still have to clean a ramp sink on a regular basis. But with the right materials, it isn't a chore. A little cleaner with a sponge and some warm water does the trick. Really, the only thing you have to worry about is staining your sink. However, that's another topic for another blog post.

Custom Concrete Sinks

One of the advantages I offer is the ability to make custom concrete sinks to your exact specifications. The same applies to my concrete countertops. When you commission me to create your pieces, you are not settling for off-the-shelf products sold by your local home improvement store. You're commissioning something designed and made to order. I think that's a big deal.

Are you looking to redo your bath? Are you building a custom home from the ground up? Either way, just know that ramp sinks are one of the hottest trends in modern baths. I can design and install one in your home. Give me a shout and let's talk about your vision. I can help make it reality.
